12 thoughts on “100 Cupboards: American Magician’s Nephew

  1. Great review! I hadn’t thought of the comparison with The Magician’s Nephew, but it works. I love this series (read it twice), but it’s not for the faint of heart. Only my oldest has been allowed to read it so far. Have you read his Ashtown Burials series? It’s actually much more intense than 100 Cupboards, but equally full of truth and goodness, good vs. evil.


    1. Thank you Carolyn! This is my first experience with Wilson. I am really excited about the Ashtown Burials – I live in NE Wisconsin, so I thought that that would be particularly interesting! 🙂

      I loved what you said about him on your Facebook page and kept hearing him recommended from trusted sources. As we have talked about him in Potato Peel Pie, I heard so much concern about those Amazon reviews. I just knew that I needed to read for myself and see if I could help others decided if/when/how to present it to their children.


  2. Good review of a great series of books. I loved these so much! ND Wilson’s other books are fantastic as well.


    1. Thank you! We are very excited about reading other ND Wilson books! Like we did with The Wingfeather Saga and will do with the sequels to the Green Ember, we plan to read and review whole series whenever possible. I can’t wait to finish the Cupboards series or read Outlaws of Time! -Sara


  3. Thank you for this fabulous review! I’ve been intrigued by this book, but haven’t let my oldest read it yet. I listened to N.D. Wilson’s interview on Read Aloud Revival’s podcast and found your blog via that forum. Putting the book on hold at the library and am looking forward to reading and discussing it with my oldest.


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